Simplify this complex fraction into a single trigonometric function:
Write this expression as a monomial with a single trigonometric function:
Solution 8.Starting with sin 2 (x) + cos 2 (x) = 1, and using your knowledge of the quotient and reciprocal identities, derive an equivalent identity in terms of tan(x) and sec(x). Show all work.
Solution 9.Using the identity sin 2 θ + cos 2 θ = 1, find the value of tanθ , to the nearest hundredth, if cosθ equals -0.7 and θ is in Quadrant II.
Solution 10. Using a Pythagorean Identity, find sinθ if cosθ = ½ and θ terminates in Quadrant IV.NOTE: The re-posting of materials (in part or whole) from this site to the Internet is copyright violation
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